As per the Indian astrology there are 12 Zodiac sign. Each sign includes different character, temperament and life of an individual that related to apecicific zodiac sign. Cancer and Taurus horoscope are also from the 12 Zodiac signs.
People those who born under 22nd of June to 22nd of July are fall under the Cancer horoscope. Moon is considering the ruling planet of cancer sign. It is said that people born under cancer sign cannot see other in suffer. At times they appear very strong and at other time they seems vulnerable similar to child. These people are very much sensitive and sympathetic especially for those who are in close.
As far as cancerians career is concern, they generally get success in business related to fluid, fish, water, import/export, submarine, shipping irrigation department contractor, transport etc.
That was a small description about Cancer horoscope. Now similarly a brief description on Taurus horoscope is mentioned below:
Taurus horoscope starts from 2oth of April to 20th of May. So, those who born under the mention dates fall in Taurus sign. Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus sign. People born under Taurus horoscope are generally strong headed and have ability to take decision immediately. Moreover, they possess great inner power, good in both physically and mentally and can easily handle any kind of harsh situation.
As far as Taurus people career is concern, Taurus sign is the symbol of possessions and practicality. So, this type of person can become good director and manager and can also get success in business related to resort, cinema, Income-tax, school, fashion, finance, agriculture etc.
So, that was brief description about both Cancer and Taurus born people. If you want to know more or also want to know about other zodiac signs too then visit the site of My Horoscope Astrology.